Motivation is Overrated. Here’s What You Need to Achieve Your Goals.

Why wait for motivation to get moving? The solution is already available — it just requires a little more planning and intention.

Alissa Smith
4 min readJun 13, 2021
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Motivation is helpful, but personal growth requires DISCIPLINE.

How much time will pass and how many opportunities can be lost while waiting for inspiration to strike? Self-discipline is a powerful force that results in sustained progress. All it takes is conscious choices, effective systems, and a long-term vision.

To clarify — in this context, discipline is not about this definition:

train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience. – Apple Dictionary

It’s about this:

(discipline oneself to do something) train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way. – Apple Dictionary

In the carrot vs stick metaphor, the carrot represents reward and the stick is punishment. One could be motivated by reward or punishment, yet there’s a third element missing: The willingness to be self-driven in order to achieve the desired outcome.

Motivation alone isn’t enough for sustained progress. If we rely simply on being in a motivated mindset, then what happens on the days when we lack energy or are preoccupied with other pressures? When we fall into a rut it can be hard to get back on track again if self-discipline isn’t practised.

All successes begin with self-discipline. It starts with you. – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Cultivating effective habits

A major key to self-development is knowing what you’re chasing. The first step is to identify your goals and intentions. They may be to do with finances, health and fitness, skills development, relationships and family, community, work and business. Clear, tangible, achievable goals.

The next step is to work out an action plan. What steps need to be taken in order to achieve these goals? This could be the difference between “read 50 books one year” versus “read for one hour per day, five times per week”. The former is a goal, the latter is the action taken to achieve that goal.

Then, we need to put systems in place to enable those frequent habits. Make it so simple that it’s hard to fail. Schedule, prepare and automate. For example, block out time for your reading goal. If you want to read in bed before you go to sleep, then adjust your night-time schedule to finish up an hour earlier (SCHEDULE). If you’re reading in transit, make sure your kindle is loaded up with books or pre-pack a book (and bookmark!) in your bag (PREPARE). Keep an up-to-date list of books you want to read so that you don’t spend valuable reading time endlessly browsing for something to get hooked on (AUTOMATE). The concepts are simple, but they can apply to any habit you’re trying to implement.

Make it easier on yourself by removing distractions. Single-task by practising focussed attention on one thing at a time. Leave no room for excuses, temptation, or procrastination.

The Four Laws of Behavior Change are a simple set of rules we can use to build better habits. They are (1) make it obvious, (2) make it attractive, (3) make it easy, and (4) make it satisfying. – James Clear, Atomic Habits

Small steps in the right direction

Being accountable to regular bite-sized actions will help to foster good habits that not only help you to achieve your goals, but develop you into the person you want to become. It’s the difference between “reading 50 books in a year” and “becoming a voracious reader”.

“I have read many books” vs “I am a reader”.

You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results. – James Clear, Atomic Habits

Discipline is not deprivation

If the idea of discipline is loaded with a sense of being denied or deprived, then let’s reframe this thinking. What positive actions you could add into your life, rather than restricting or removing? If you’re starting out to improve your lifestyle, simple habits executed regularly can make a great difference in the long term. For example, drink an extra glass of water each day. Spend 30 minutes practising a new language. Set a consistent wake-up time. Meditate for ten minutes (even five minutes frequently is more effective than twenty minutes occasionally). Prepare a financial strategy (e.g. a budget) at the start of each month.

Making healthy choices a part of your lifestyle leads to improved wellbeing and a sense of accomplishment. When I go for a walk or jog, there are many roads that lead back to my house. At every corner, I could choose left to return home, or I could continue straight ahead on a longer route. At every corner, I have a choice. Straight ahead is the disciplined approach. Choosing straight ahead is empowering. To this day I have never regretted going straight ahead.

Choosing the hard thing that you know is better for you pays off in the long run. There’s freedom in having a choice. Self-discipline is not punishment — it’s empowerment.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. – Desiderata

Self-respect and boundaries

Being disciplined is so much more than instilling good habits. It also includes consistent, structured time around rest, recovery, and play. It requires the ability to set boundaries for your accessibility to others. It’s about showing up, on time, fully present.

Self-discipline leads to self-respect, self-esteem, and self-worth.

Don’t wait for motivation to get you going. Practise discipline to make sustained, compounding progress.

Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most. – Abraham Lincoln

Originally published on 13 June 2021 at



Alissa Smith

Alissa is a creative writer, yoga teacher, and graphic designer based in Auckland, New Zealand.